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1)Pre-Qin 先秦法家

1.On the Legal of the Pre-Qin ′;先秦法家的法律起源思想评论

2. and of Pre-Qin ;论先秦法家的缘起及法家学说的文化价值


1.The Truth --A on the view on demos Qin ;冷酷的真实——评先秦法家的民众观

2. about the of the of Pre-Qin 先秦法家人物悲剧原因的另一种解读

3.On of the Ideas of the in Pre-Qin 批判与建构:先秦法家政治思想解读

4. and of Pre-Qin ;论先秦法家的缘起及法家学说的文化价值

5.The Enemy of the in Pre-Qin Era: The on the the Law;先秦法家共同体的敌人:以法治国的规范理论

6. on the of and of Pre-Qin ;先秦法家法治基本原则及精神的理论探讨

7.ON THE 'S OF HUMAN & IN PRE-QIN DAYS论先秦法家的人性理论与领导心理思想

8.The Value of the on Human Pre-Qin and ;先秦儒家与法家人性学说的当代价值


9. and Legal of and in Pre-Qin ;先秦儒法两家的治国方略与法律思想

10. on the of of the 、、 and of Pre-Qin 先秦儒家、道家、法家、兵家管理心理思想评述

11. Study of and Idea of in Xian Qin of China;先秦儒、法两家传播思想的比较研究

12.The "Norm of " and its In in the Pre-Qin Legal of ;先秦儒家法律思想中的“礼治”及其启示

13.The Law of the in Pre-Qin Days;礼治 德治 人治——试论先秦儒家法律思想

14.On of-Qin论先秦的缘起及学说的文化价值, and in Pre-Qin ;略论先秦儒、道、法家的社会管理观

15.The Study on the of and of Pre-Qin ;先秦儒、墨、道、法家君臣关系理论浅析


16. on the of Realm of Pre-Qin 论先秦儒家达致“中和”境界的总体方法

17.Pre-Qin ' Moral Ways and Their Value先秦儒家道德修养方法及其时代价值

18. of and Views on and ;论先秦儒家、法家的义利观及其现代价值


Fa of Xian Qin先秦法家

1. on Legal of Fa of Xian Qin;先秦法家法哲学思想概论

3)Pre-Qin 先秦儒家

1.The Value of -first in Pre-Qin ;先秦儒家民本思想的生态学价值

2. on "self- by music" in Pre-Qin s of music;先秦儒家“以乐修身”思想论析

3.The Big of " and Son " in the Pre-Qin ;先秦儒家思想中“父子相隐”的伦理大义

4)Pre-Qin 先秦儒家

1.Brief of the of the Pre-Qin of the ;先秦儒家人格教育思想的理论基础论略

2. of Pre-Qin Ideal ;先秦儒家理想人格思想之透视

3.The and of Pre-Qin in the of Bank;先秦儒家诚信思想在现代商业银行管理中的理论价值及实践价值

5)Pre-Qin 先秦儒家

1.Pre-Qin Eco- View and ;先秦儒家的生态美学观及其构成态势

2.The of the of on the Legal of Pre-Qin ;论神权法思想对先秦儒家法律思想的影响

6)Pre-Qin 先秦道家

1.The of Pre-Qin and Its Value;先秦道家和谐思想及其价值

2.Reach on of Pre-Qin and Its ;先秦道家消费伦理及其启示

3.Pre-Qin and the of Early of and Art;先秦道家与早期文艺审美思想生成
