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The of in China

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was by ( 释迦牟尼) who was in India in the sixth B。C。 As a , it was to China in the of the Han 。 It is a and of life, at or ( 解脱), to use a term。 that life is empty and life is , and their goal is to from 。 The by them means “this shore” or “this ”。 ,on the other hand, aims at "the other shore"。

Since is a , whose and can make up for the in , its to China is, in a sense, a of 。 At the same time, as a , it has to adapt to the of China so as to gain in among the 。 , from the first day when was into China, it began to be and into the 。

The whole took about 500 years, many from the Han to the and , and ended in the Sui and Tang , with the of 。 By the Sui and Tang , a peak in that sects in China。

作为一种宗教,佛教是由释迦牟尼创立的,公元前六世纪活跃于古印度,在汉朝中期传入中国。佛教是一种宗教制度和生活哲学,用佛教术语说, 其宗旨在于精神解放或解脱。佛教徒认为生活是空虚的,生活是痛苦的佛家思想对中国传统文化的影响,他们的目标是脱离现实。他们所宣扬的精神解脱意味着“此岸”或“今生”。另一方面,佛教旨在“彼岸”。由于佛教是一种思辨性的宗教体系,其博大精深可以弥补中国传统思想的不足,因此佛教传入中国在某种意义上是必然的。同时【天学网双语阅读】China's,作为一种外来宗教,它必须不断适应中国的实际情况,才能在中国人中普及。因此,从佛教传入中国的第一天起,它就开始演化并融入中国文化。整个过程历时约500年佛家思想对中国传统文化的影响【天学网双语阅读】China's,从东汉到南北朝,跨越多个朝代,直至隋唐中国佛教的兴起而结束。到隋唐时期,佛教达到了顶峰,分化为多种不同著名教派,呈现出蓬勃的发展景象。

A monk of the Tang named made to the of . After many , his from Chang'an to India in order to study and learn the from monk . He with of , and with many other monks and , to the into . 's the of and .


from , has its own sects, among which the Zen ( 禅 ) sect, or the Chan sect, has a and on and the and of .Over a long of , took root in China, the ideas of , and other , and a part of with its .

与印度佛教不同的是,中国佛教发展了自己的教派,其中禅宗是中国佛教的一个重要组成部分。 禅宗对中国文化、中国人的思想和性格具有主导地位和压倒性影响。


